Sunday, March 7, 2021

A New Normal

 My name is Eliana daughter of Heather, some may know me as Ellie. My dearly loved mother passed away in our home November 21, 2020. I will be taking over this blog, her Facebook, Instagram, and her other blogs.

On this Blog I will be showing a healing journey of our family, and how we have been healing.

When a loved one dies you everything changes you have to start a new normal, but it feels like a new life. Remember the things that can't change, for me that is...

- My parents love me

- Jesus loves me so much he died for me

- I have a home that protects me

Saying affirmations truly do work you just have to say them often. Some that everyone can say is...

1-Heavenly Father loves me

2-Jesus Christ understands me

3-The Holy Ghost guides me

Thanks for reading! Talk to you all next week!

                                        - Eliana


Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 1 - April 26, 2020

My name is Heather and I am 45 years old.  This blog is a place for me to record some details of my cancer journey.

Around April 1, started having pain in my right shoulder. I just thought I’d pulled a muscle, and the pain was easy to deal with.

On April 7, I woke up at 4:30 a.m. because the pain in my shoulder was intense. I went out to the family room so  that I wouldn't wake up Greg, but he woke up anyway.  Over the next few hours, I tried to hide from the girls because I was crying it hurt so badly, and everyone was scared and worried.  Eventually, the pain subsided enough that I was able to go about the day as normal.

Around April 13, I started feeling very nauseous with pain in abdomen. The shoulder pain gradually decreased as my abdominal pain and nausea increased.

On April 16-17, I vomited multiple times. I could not eat and had a hard time drinking anything, even water. I basically spent the weekend in bed, trying to sleep and manage the pain.

On Sunday April 17, the pain in my abdomen really intensified around 7 pm. Greg gave me a priesthood blessing promising that my body would heal. I had faith in the blessing and felt peace from Heavenly Father, but the pain continued increasing. Around midnight, I woke Greg up for another blessing. Again, I was promised that I would be healed. Greg gently rubbed my back in an effort to distract me for a couple of hours. The Spirit whispered I needed to go to the hospital. I was worried it was my appendix. At this point, I had not showered for a few days, so I took a quick shower.

To cover all bases, I called the nurse line and the nurse recommended a hospital visit. We woke up Ellie around 4:45 a.m. so she knew what was happening. Greg got me to the American Fork hospital around 5:10 a.m. on Monday, April 18. Because of IHCs policies around visitors and COVID-19, Greg was not allowed to stay with me, and went home to be with the girls.

In the hospital, the doctor thought it was my gallbladder based on the symptoms I told him. My pain was at a 9.  It took multiple tries to get an IV because I was dehydrated. They gave me morphine first, which didn’t work for the pain and just made me nauseous. I had 3 IV doses of Dilaudid (hydromorphone hydrochloride) to bring my pain down to a 7. I also got two bags of IV saline while I was there.

They ran a bunch of tests on me, starting with an ultrasound of my gallbladder and upper abdomen, and a CT scan.  Those tests showed an ovarian mass the size of a softball, and lesions on my liver and lungs.  The ER doctor initially told me that he thought I had ovarian cancer.  (And we have to remember that I was still in a lot of pain and I was all alone  -- and the doctor just casually said, "I think you have cancer."  It was quite crazy.)  Then I had bloodwork and urine analysis done, an ultrasound on my pelvic region, and an intrauterine ultrasound.  (Good times).  More bloodwork was completed as well.

Around noon, I was sent home with prescriptions for nausea (zofran) and pain (Percocet).

Here are some screen shots of texts that tell this part of the story.  First is a series of texts with my sister, Amy, over the week.

Here are some texts between myself and the BCLs (Book Club Ladies -- Kelly, Ilene, Steph, Erin, and Tiff -- some of my dearest and oldest friends):

On Tuesday, April 21, my mom, Amy, and Bobi  came over in the afternoon to do school with the girls. I napped and Greg went to work for a few hours.

On Wednesday, April 22, my mom and Amy played with the girls.

I had a consult with Dr David Young, an ob/gyn, at 8:20 am. Greg had to stay in the parking lot, so I FaceTimed him during the appointment.  Dr Young referred us to Dr. Jessica Hunn, a gynecological oncologist. Her office preferred more bloodwork, so we went back to the hospital in the afternoon to do that. Greg was able to stay with me for those blood draws. The doctor also ordered a liver biopsy and scheduled that for Thursday.

That night, Grandpa Spencer came to help Greg give me another blessing, where again I was promised that I will be healed through my faith. Grandpa also gave Greg a blessing.

Thursday, April 23 — we dropped off the girls at Grandma and Grandpa Spencer’s house on our way to Utah Valley Hospital for a liver biopsy.

I ordered a wheelchair since Greg couldn’t go in with me, and I was too weak to walk very far. My nurse held the elevator for another nurse to ride up with us. I wasn’t paying attention to anything but my pain and weakness, and then I realized I knew that voice. I looked up and it was Ann Bailey! Such a tender mercy. She was able to visit me multiple times during the day and we had some really good talks about choosing faith over fear, and tender mercies, and the power of prayer. I shared with her a line from my patriarchal blessing that says that I will have the power to stay the hand of death in my life through my faith.  Plus the three priesthood blessings I had received where I was promised that my body would be healed. She filled me in on her life and what has been going on with her children. Definitely a bright spot on that day. 

The liver biopsy was interesting. I was “sedated”but conscious. They put me in a CT scanner to guide where the biopsy was happening. I could feel all the snips but it was fine. Until they put in a gelatin “plug” on the liver to stop any bleeding. That caused my pain to skyrocket. They couldn’t give me any more pain medication because I’d had so much already. Definitely the roughest day yet. Biopsy results should be in on Monday and give us more definitive answers.

Some texts with Ann:

Friday, April 24 — We dropped off the girls at Grandma Camp's house on our way to St. Mark's Hospital to meet with Dr. Jessica Hunn.. Grandma and Amy kept the girls all day and brought them back home around dinner time.

This was the first meeting we had had all week that gave us some hope. We really connected with Dr. Hunn and felt she really listened to us -- she had a great "bedside" manner.

The notes we wrote after our appointment sum things up:

Saturday, April 25 — Mom and Amy came and got the girls again to spend the day with them. The girls have helped Amy make 2 videos for her online teaching. 

We finally figured out (using Dr Hunn’s suggestion) to layer in 800 mg of ibuprofen every 2 hours, and to take dilaudid every 3 hours and 45 minutes. For the first time in weeks, my pain is a 4-5. Such a relief to have my pain managed in this way.  I feel better than I have in a long time.  I am still vomiting more than I would like. I don’t want to be dehydrated for my port surgery on Monday.

Sunday, April 26 — I didn’t get much sleep last night since I was taking medicine every two hours. I will take less sleep with less pain, any time! I just hung out at home all day. I got a good nap in the afternoon after I took a shower. Greg took the girls to visit grandpa and grandma while I was sleeping.

I have been trying to immerse myself in the scriptures and conference talks during my sleepless nights and have learned so much already. I feel closer to Heavenly Father than I ever have before, and have been spending lots of time in prayer and talking with Him. I feel the strength of so many people praying for me. I feel calmness and the peace that passeth all understanding. Greg has been my rock through all of this. He succors me and takes care of all my needs. He initiates talks with the girls and helps them navigate  their pain and emotions. He is truly amazing! I feel closer to him now than I ever have before. I hate being so sick and weak, but I trust him implicitly to take care of me.

Some scriptures that have given me lots of peace:

A New Normal

 My name is Eliana daughter of Heather, some may know me as Ellie. My dearly loved mother passed away in our home November 21, 2020. I will ...